Unfortunately we don’t live in a world where wellbeing was made a priority! Nutrition and fitness have been our own responsibility to build our own knowledge, resulting in so many crossed paths and myths! Is there any real blame that weight loss is probably one of the most confusing things we can put ourselves through?

But Why Aftercare?

Let’s talk about it...Your aftercare is crucial for maintaining your personal success. JWellness provide ongoing support, personalised plans with regular check-in’s to keep you motivated and accountable.
We can adapt the changes that you have already made and accomplish more. Plan a day to day eating plan what about an exercise routine that you can see and feel yourself getting stronger. 
By investing in your aftercare you’re not just ensuring you reach your goals but also helping to build sustainable habits for long-term health. We want you to be successful!

Meet Julie...

Hey, I’m Julie! With years of experience, I have provided support to 1000’s of clients that have all been, and are still on their weight loss journey. Do we ever come off it? I know I haven’t! Truth is, the plan always changes, the goals always allude to more and the excitement becomes infectious.
I know how important life is, but doing life with confidence, without wondering what other people are thinking and taking it all in your stride.. meeting your friends and feeling good in yourself, stop the panic when ordering off a menu, or simply removing the stress when adding a few lbs on holiday.
I am your coach that will be by your side, offering you that reassurance when you go at it alone.
Working with Four18 Wellbeing is an absolute pleasure, I believe in this! I want to make a difference to as many peoples lives as possible.