Press Play

If you find enjoyment through active, this is the perfect retreat for you to break free. Being active is often a struggle, getting bored of routine, or finding it difficult to challenge the body. This type of retreat will introduce you with new habits, new exercises and a refreshed active mindset.
The itinerary will be populated with a variation of activities, that will both improve and enhance your fitness knowledge and skills. The type of activities may include personal training sessions (individual or group), strength training workshops, stretch focused sessions and cardiovascular movement.
We will ensure that the programme is right for you and your fitness levels, as everyone will be tailored differently. You’ll also be offered an educational sports massage.
Prior to any retreat there will be a one-to-one consultation, where we create your perfect retreat plan, for you to get the most out of your escape.

Press Pause

Are you interested in widening your holistic knowledge, or even just spending time with others who are? Our press pause retreat is focused on taking a moment and finding your grounding.

Each day will begin with a unwind stretch, with views to nature depending on the location. These sessions will improve flexibility and range of movement. Throughout the retreat there will be mindfulness workshops, allowing you to discover your pause button.

If you’re looking for some rehhabilitation, both Julie and Paul are trained in sports massage so can help you on your path of restoration.

We’ll also take you on coastal walks which will let you reconnect and find your freedom.

Prior to any retreat there will be a one-to-one consultation, where we create your perfect retreat plan, for you to get the most out of your escape.


Are you looking to re-address your state of mind with a particular focus on weightloss? All of our retreats allow you to have personal time with our leaders, however this type of retreat will go into more depth with nutrition.
Throughout the retreat you’ll have the opportunity to get involved in high and low intensity fitness sessions/classes, as well as strength and mobility workshops. You will learn about new habits, methods and ways in which to treat yourself. You’ll leave the retreat with a nutrition plan that you can use as a goal setting programme.
Prior to any retreat there will be a one-to-one consultation, where we create your perfect retreat plan, for you to get the most out of your escape.


If you find enjoyment through being with nature, this is the perfect retreat for you. It is proven that being at or with nature is good for the mental wellbeing, engaging with natural elements, good for the soul.
Whether it’s in the UK or international, we’ll ensure that the location(s) are breathtaking. These retreats offer a variation of coastal walks through beautiful scenic locations, hikes for both beginners and the more experienced.
We’ll include in the itinerary (optional) outdoor activities such as; wild swimming, sunrise and sunset stretch classes, relaxation and meditation practice and other activities depending on the Retreaters preference.
Prior to any retreat there will be a one-to-one consultation, where we create your perfect retreat plan, for you to get the most out of your escape.


Do you love a bit of time to yourself? Or in fact, need a moment to have that time. Sometimes stepping away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives is just needed!
This style of retreat is purely focused around you finding your grounding, yourself and strengthening your wellbeing. With meditation and relaxation filtered through your stay, your pressures will automatically lift.
We will ensure moments of calm by walking along the beach, or somewhere scenic depending on where the retreat may take you. We’ll take walks up a level and factor in hikes for all capabilities.
End the day with a complimentary massage if you’re looking for some rehhabilitation, both Julie and Paul are trained in sports massage so can help you on your path of restoration. Don’t worry, you’ll also have plenty of free time, for you to do you!
Prior to any retreat there will be a one-to-one consultation, where we create your perfect retreat plan, for you to get the most out of your escape.